
Alysha W.

Tour Guide at Towson University

Class of 2023

Hometown: Rockaway, NJ

Major: International Studies

On a random day, you’ll most likely find me …

At home! There is nothing I love more than laying in my bed and relaxing.

After graduation I want to …

Take sometime to travel the world and tackle global health issues in the developing world.

What do you love most about Towson University?

I love the people. Everyone here is so friendly and easy to talk to. Complete strangers will invite you to sit with them if you're by yourself and make you feel completely comfortable.

What advice would you give a prospective student?

To accept change rather than fight it. Going away to school can be scary and can lead to a lot of anxieties, but being open to all new experiences can help the transition go smoother.

I'm passionate about...

Movies Trying new foods Amusement Parks Puppies Family and Friends

I'm involved with...

Model Organization of American States Sisterhood TU
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